Place Brand Diagnostic

How strong is your place brand?

Great places have that something

Great places have that something

Creating and managing a place brand is critical to maintaining your competitiveness — attracting investment, businesses, tourism, talent, residents and economic development. But how do you know if your place brand is doing well?

We are DNCO — the creative studio for place and culture — and we’ve created the Place Brand Diagnostic to help marketers, DMOs and those charged with the creation and curation of place brands to methodically evaluate their brand’s vitality across a spectrum of ten metrics.

What is your place brand known for?
Are you using all the tools available to make the most of your place brand?
Does it foster community and belonging?

From the bedrock of commitment to the finesse of your brand’s digital presence, the ten metrics will uncover your strengths and provide opportunities for greater success. With one common measurable framework, the diagnostic aims to unite all your diverse stakeholders towards creating a brand that belongs to your place and engenders a profound connection with the communities it serves.

Take the diagnostic and find out how your place brand scores. We recommend setting aside 20 minutes to complete.

Launching 15 May 2024